Why are you here on Earth?
You never decided to come into this world; well, ordinarily! Beyond all the assertions and arguments we can put forth, what is certain is that you woke up one day to realise that you were living among a number of people at various levels: home or household, neighbourhood or community, town or city, country, continent, and the world; though the realisation of these various levels happened at different stages in your life. And though you were born with certain instincts – for instance the instinct to cry, crawl, imitate, be inquisitive, etc. – much of what you know now, and the things you are able to do, have been by means of elaborate learning processes, both consciously and unconsciously or subconsciously, over a long period of time. The following have been some of your major teachers in those learning processes…
- Family members
- Friends
- Religious leaders
- School teachers
- Opinion leaders / Role models
- Mentors / Coaches
- Authors / Writers / Bloggers
- Entertainers
- Etcetera
These[1] teachers and influencers might have taught you or influenced you directly in person[2] or through the mass media[3]. Well, I have some bad news for you. And of course, a lot of good news too!
A lot of the teachers and influencers – acting as mentors and role models – have lied to you or otherwise hidden the truth about life from you along the line, and some may still be doing that.
This may sound preposterous! How can eloquent and noble-looking and mostly loving people like that be lying or otherwise hiding the truth? And for what purposes exactly?
Well, whereas a few of them deliberately do it for selfish, parochial, or economic benefits, most of them do it out of love or care for you; howbeit unfortunate. Sadly, they will mostly never tell you the truth about life; in that sense they will inadvertently lie to you; not because they really want to, but because they have to; they have been socially conditioned that way, and ordinarily cannot do otherwise.
This starts very early in life and continues ad infinitum! And that has rendered you naked in many ways; mostly without you knowing. And this may be the foundational reason for most of the difficulties you are likely to be facing in life; in the past, present and in the future. Well, through this book you will know how you can avoid most of the potential problems of the future.
[1] Extractions from the 7 pillars of culture: Family, Religion, School, Arts & Entertainment, News, Business, and Government; the super education system.
[2] Home, classes, seminars, etc.
[3] Internet, radio, television, videos, books, magazines, etc.