We cherish your decision to support us to fulfill our mission, and our vision. If you like to make a donation please click the ‘donate’ button further below; alternatively you may send Mobile Money directly to MTN number: 024 211 2648
You are about to donate funds to support Seers Foundation. This funds transfer will be processed right away; on the secure Rave Platform. You do not necessarily need to have / create a Rave Account. Also, you can use any of the following options on the platform: Mastercard | Visa | Mobile Money | Verve| Etc. Please click the ‘Donate‘ button above to proceed.
If you like to donate later you may click here.
If you like to sponsor a specific project, or aspects of a specific project, you may click here.
If you like to support in other ways you may click here.
If you like to see the budget you may click here.