
Personal Development and Wealth Creation Masterclass with EGYIR

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This workshop or short course implements the art and science of transforming your professional landscape through high-level Personal Development. It is a catalyst for general and professional greatness. It will help you to skyrocket your career. And answer a lot of the nagging questions you have about life, especially issues regarding productivity, happiness, and wealth. It is your ultimate guide to speedy and unstoppable Personal Development and Professional Growth for your dream wealth and a truly fulfilling life!

This webpage and others | Accessible now and anytime you choose, if you register/enrol.
🔗Click the ‘Application’ button below for full access. *Ts&Cs Apply.

Saturdays 10am & 6pm | 10:00 & 18:00 GMT
At City Galleria (GL-152-5424 | Near Accra Mall) & Online on Zoom.
🔗Click the ‘Application’ button below to choose your preference. *Ts&Cs Apply.

This is a special session and an excerpt from the broader masterclass dubbed: 7 Powerful Secrets to Unlock and Unleash Your True or Hidden Potential Speedily and Effectively. And manifest your dream wealth and a truly fulfilling life FAST! — Personal Development and Wealth Creation Masterclass with EGYIR. More about that further below.

The core of this course is based on the financial literacy and wealth creation book by the author. Below is an excerpt from the book’s Foreword…

David has done well in coming up with a book that should help the youth and practitioners in the small to medium scale enterprises (SME) sector, especially. The approach is good; it really sets you prepared so as not to take things for-granted, in the light of the numerous challenges involved in the wealth creation process, especially in Africa where systems are not structured enough. The book gets you to have the mindset and the resolve to face the challenges. I recommended the book highly; even for students in business, I think it will help prepare them better. Enjoy the experience!
Captain (Rtd) Prince Kofi Amoabeng
Accountant | Founder/CEO of UT Bank

For the full Foreword you may click here. Below are other testimonials…

Invigorating and thought provoking. A concise reading for anybody with business intentions or in business who is keen on knowledge and motivation to break the mediocrity barrier! It’s simple and clearly laid out.

Mr. Baffour Akoto Osei
Lead Founder, GHS Housing Limited. Former representative of the Institute of Chartered Engineers (ICE), UK.

One of the recent teams to participate in the LIVE edition of this course or workshop was the sector staff of an international non-governmental organisation, numbering about 50. Of those who submitted the anonymous evaluation forms, an overwhelming majority rated the overall effectiveness of the training as Excellent!

Click the button above to apply or to express your desire to participate in the training. You get the opportunity to choose which of the flexible training options and schedules may suit you. And we take it from there and ensure that your best interest is served. You may also proceed to see the rest of the synopsis below. For direct enquiries please click your preferred contact option…

Are you rich? If you answered “Yes”, how sure are you?

And if you are not rich, why are you not rich? The genuine or unbiased answer will shock you!

By the way, if you answered “Yes” to the first question just by faith, since your true balance sheet does not objectively or empirically reflect a “Yes”, be guided by what Apostle Paul said in Galatians 6:3, that… “For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.” But if you are resolved to keep working hard to make it, then that’s cool! Just justify your faith, by the right works; and you are on it. Kudos!

So, who is a truly rich person, and how does one get to become truly rich? Spoiler alert: most people get it all wrong! Indeed, 80 to 90 percent of people (likely including yourself) use the wrong approach to wealth creation and stress themselves needlessly. Yes, most people get it all wrong! One can only hope that you are also not getting it all wrong! And if you are doing it the wrong way, no amount of seeming ‘hardwork’ will get you out of the unfortunate vicious cycle; it will be like climbing fast on a staircase that leads to the wrong apartment. Or going at top speed in your car on a road that leads to a different destination than the one you hoped or intended.

Experts have deduced that if we should gather all the money in the system, and distribute that equally among everybody (let’s call that #reset), within just a few months money will flow from those who were poor before the reset, back into the hands of those who were already rich before the reset; so we will be back to almost the exact situation before the reset. So, why do the rich get richer, and the poor, poorer?

What is your idea of a fulfilling life? And on a scale of 1 to 10 (least to most) how truly fulfilled are you? By the way, don’t take (or mistake) high level of education, high position in society, high income level, religiosity (and the likes) for a fulfilling life; many people have all that and more and are still not fulfilled in life. Notice that the question is not just about a fulfilling life (that is subjective) but rather about a truly fulfilling life! Yes, there is a big difference!

Well, did you know that 82 percent of workers wish they didn’t have to go to work no matter how much they are paid; mostly because they do not truly enjoy their work?

There are simple and very effective solutions to all that, in this workshop (or short course). And it is structured into 5 sections or modules:🌻

ℹ️ Each section or module has several engaging topics that reveal amazing insights about sustained happiness, productivity, and wealth creation. 🎉❤️💰You may scroll further down to see the full course outline.

💥The high points expose secret truths your parents, teachers, or pastors would dare not talk about. And discover up to 15 viable sources of good capital for your business or entrepreneurial journey. You will love the real-life examples and case studies. And the practical goal-setting exercise that gets you to define bold, specific, measurable, action-oriented, relevant, time-bound mega goals for yourself: big hairy audacious goals. Along with actionable steps and powerful online tools for easy accomplishment. 🎯

Your unfailing personalised action plan! 🚀

The training is extremely impactful! Particularly, it provides unique strategies for Personal Development and Professional Growth, bound to give you a quantum leap and ensure a remarkable improvement in your life.

It is practical, insightful, and straight to the point!

Click the button above to apply or to express your desire to participate in the training. You get the opportunity to choose which of the flexible training options and schedules may suit you. And we take it from there and ensure that your best interest is served. You may also proceed to see the rest of the synopsis below. For direct enquiries please click your preferred contact option…

Do you know your true potential?🤔 Chances are that you don’t! Indeed, there is 97 percent probability that you achieve far less than 10 percent of your true potential. Reason for most of the problems, difficulties or challenges you might be facing in life.

However, it should interest you to note that you already have inside of you the inborn potential ability to develop an idea, a theory, a company, a product or service that will significantly improve the lives of at least 1 billion people within 10 years, and thus generate wealth beyond what you could possibly spend in a lifetime. Hidden! We usually go through life without being made fully aware of this fact, let alone harnessing it. This masterclass changes the game! 💡💰

ℹ️ See the outline further below.

Each and every human being with a healthy brain has that potential hidden within. Yes, that is the minimum potential within everyone! That means you have that potential within you; even if you have never been told, felt so within you, nor demonstrated so in any way over the period. And your people also have that potential within them, even if they may not be demonstrating any such traits at the moment. 🧠

So Allan Snyder says… “Everybody has inner genius, but it is our perception that prevents us from tapping into this inner genius.” Yes! In the words of Denis Waitley… “It is not what you are that holds you back, it is what you think you are not.”

This masterclass will trigger those potentials to be unearthed🌟

🎓Sadly formal education or formal schooling has not made it a point to adequately help each person to unearth that potential. Research done under the auspices of Harvard University, and other institutions – including Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching – confirm or corroborate this. And that is why the Nobel laureate Sir William Arthur Lewis says that… “Education and schooling are not the same thing. What goes on inside the schools is often not education. And the results may well be that it reduces productive capacity rather than to increase it.” 🏫

Thus, the onus is on you to unearth that potential for yourself and your people; especially through Personal Development. This masterclass will help you to do exactly that! For yourself, and also for your people; encourage them to be part of this amazing experience! 🎉❤️

Click the button above to apply or to express your desire to participate in the training. You get the opportunity to choose which of the flexible training options and schedules may suit you. And we take it from there and ensure that your best interest is served. You may also proceed to see the rest of the synopsis below. For direct enquiries please click your preferred contact option…

The course reveals how that you do not need your own seed money or your “own” capital to make good money. And points you to relevant reliable sources other than the bank. The course also reveals how that true happiness and a fulfilling life are already within your grasp right now! And how to readily reach for them with relative ease.

In today’s uncertain economic climate, it’s crucial to proactively address the potential challenges that may arise, such as underemployment, layoffs, and the attendant threat of less income. This training program is designed to prepare you to face the uncertain future with extreme confidence and assurance of safety.

See the detailed outline (course content) further below. And about the author/trainer too.

Further to the outline (course content) and the author/trainer overview, if you want a quick review of the material itself, kindly go to Section Two: 5 shocking reasons why personal development should be your most important resolution.


Subsidy is for a limited time ONLY.
Take advantage NOW! Scroll further down to enrol.

Sponsor mention: The presentation (titled as stated further above, and continues further below) is brought to you by the kind courtesy of the trendy electronic Smart Business Card, the only business card you’ll ever need, for the executive in you! Watch the short video below to see the awesome smart business card in action; you will be amazed! See…

Click the button above to apply or to express your desire to participate in the training. You get the opportunity to choose which of the flexible training options and schedules may suit you. And we take it from there and ensure that your best interest is served. You may also proceed to see the rest of the synopsis below. For direct enquiries please click your preferred contact option…

Portions of this course are borrowed from Purpose Compass which reveals 4 habits that are making your life difficult or otherwise may soon make your life difficult, but which your parent, teacher, or pastor would dare not talk about. How to escape them and get to live a stress-free life of purpose faster! Module 1 of exceptional life coaching towards a truly fulfilling life!

🛑 QUESTION: Have your parents been great parents? Wait a minute...
🤔 PONDER: Will your child see you as a great parent?
⭕️ The objective or unbiased answer is mostly... NO. Click here and see why...
Different! The author in a consumable number of pages, coaches with pictures, diagrams, questions and answers in addition to home-driving examples, to provoke the reader to think and live above a “normal” life.
Patience Asare
Finance Professional
Purpose Compass is a unique go-to manual that helped me in my thinking and made me exceptionally excellent at anything I do. It is the best self help book I have read. The author presents simple and consistent steps for his readers to gain practical guidance in becoming uniquely excellent, and to gain a truly fulfilling life.

I recommend this wonderful book to all leaders, parents, teachers and the youth.
Franklyn Fosu
IT Professional
I read Purpose Compass and I must say it’s a thought-provoking piece of work. It has inspired me greatly and I’m on that road to utilising my mind to achieve my maximum potential
Yram Adrakpanya
All high school leavers must get this book before entering the tertiary education system, on the way to actualising maximum potential. Dave, thumbs up!
Abena Serwah
Acquaculture Professional

Also, portions of the course are borrowed from The Eagle in You! which reveals the single most important requirement for truly great achievements!

Excerpt testimonial from Mr. James Ebo Whyte’s Foreword to ‘The Eagle in You‘ book

Mr. James Ebo Whyte (Uncle Ebo)

Being the resulting outcomes of more than 7 years of intensive research and development, both Purpose Compass and The Eagle in You! are selling hot! Enjoy portions through this course.

Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and awakened to the transformative power of personal development. It’s unlike anything you have ever seen. No need to imagine it, see for yourself right now.

By the way, Purpose Compass and The Eagle in You take mentorship to a whole new level so you are encouraged to check them out later. You may click here later.​

It is time to begin your journey of rediscovery; log in and proceed. For any assistance kindly click the “Help” button further above. Otherwise, you may click here to review Section Two: 5 shocking reasons why personal development should be your most important resolution.

Click the button above to apply or to express your desire to participate in the training. You get the opportunity to choose which of the flexible training options and schedules may suit you. And we take it from there, and ensure that your best interest is served. You may also proceed to see the rest of the synopsis below. For direct enquiries please click your preferred contact option…

Course Content

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Note: To begin taking this course please click the ‘Login To Enroll‘ button or the ‘Take this Course‘ button (or something similar) beneath the ‘Get Started’ inscription. For paid courses or courses that are not for free, the button helps you to make a purchase first. And you can pay in your local currency; just change the currency type during the purchasing process.

Most free courses still require that you should first login with your username and password. If you don’t have a password for this community website, please register; General (Entry) level registration is FREE! And takes just 2 minutes, in 2 steps. Please click the “Register” button below:

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Personal Development and Wealth Creation Masterclass with EGYIR

About the Author

Picture of David K Egyir

David K Egyir

EGYIR is passionate about helping serious people like you to escape the most dangerous — common but avoidable — problem most people (rich, poor, educated, uneducated, religious, and non-religious alike) face in life. Also, he designs and builds beautiful, cost-effective and functional buildings, and graphics. And he helps executives, marketers, and business owners to make effective presentations; what you may call winning presentations. He is an Architect, a Designer, and a Life Coach. And an Entrepreneur. Especially as a life-coach, he has been popularly adjudged the best coach for excelling in education, increasing wealth, eliminating stress, and enjoying true fulfillment in life! Egyir understands life thoroughly and shares amazingly liberating insights from a uniquely empowering perspective. He has a firm conviction that, “The greatest tragedy in life is that majority of people have accepted to be less than they were born to be and are thus accomplishing far less than their true capabilities.” To that end, he authored (wrote) Purpose Compass, the exceptional life-coaching book that reveals 4 habits that are currently making your life difficult, or otherwise may soon make your life difficult, but which your parent, teacher, or pastor would dare not talk about; how to escape them and get to live a stress-free life of purpose faster! And 13 other equally amazing books that constitute the Zing4Life! Series. Egyir is also lead promoter of the electronic, trendy and amazing Smart Business Card, the only business card you’ll ever need, for the executive in you! He is a husband, and a father of two. Positionally, he is the Lead Founder and CEO of Seers, Associate of Arthro Synergeio, Lay Preacher of The Methodist Church Ghana, Global Lead Advocate of Zing4Life! and Volunteer Mentor with iMentor Ghana. To see more about him you may click here. #WeAreSeers | To get in touch with Egyir or to follow him on social media you may click here. #EgyirGuidesDaily | To support his writing & life-coaching social ministry you may click here. #SeersFoundation | To be part of Egyir's live sessions online at 20.30 GMT on Sundays you may click here. #TimeWithSeers |

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Personal Development and Wealth Creation Masterclass with EGYIR

Course Content

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About Courses

Courses are also also known as a workshops. Courses (or workshops) are made up of lessons, topics, and quizzes; the main components which constitute the Course Content, along with preambles or intros.

To begin taking a particular course please click the ‘Login To Enroll‘ button or the ‘Take this Course‘ button (or something similar) on the course page. For paid courses or courses that are not for free, the button helps you to make a purchase first. And you can pay in your local currency; just change the currency type during the purchasing process.

Genuinely cannot afford a paid course? No problem, we’ve got a scholarship/sponsorship package* for you; you may scroll further down to apply. *Terms & Conditions apply.

Most free courses still require that you should first login with your username and password. If you don’t have a password for this community website, please register; General (Entry) level registration is FREE! And takes just 2 minutes, in 2 steps. Please click the “Register” button below:

Typical Course Page

A typical course or workshop page looks like illustrated below; it has course title, display picture, author info, help buttons, course preamble, course content (also called course outline), enrollment panel, etc…

The Course Content usually comes after a brief intro or preamble to the course. Note however, that the course intro or preamble could be included in the Course Content itself, in which case there may not be a separate preamble before the course content.

Where they occur, topics are subsets or sub-components of lessons. There could be quizzes for various topics, and/or lessons. And/or a final quiz for the overall course. These main course content components are hyperlinks or clickable links. They could further be separated into different sections, with section headings which are not hyperlinks or clickable links, but just labels.

To access a particular lesson or topic (or quiz, where applicable) you usually have to click it. When you do it should open to a page where the actual material or presentation (be it a lesson, a topic, or quiz) can then be seen, along with associated navigation buttons to help you navigate through the entire course.

Please take particular note of the enrollment panel which comes immediately after the Course Content or Course Outline. You may use that to enrol. More about that further below; you may scroll further down.

Though not illustrated in the above screenshot, a brief profile of the author, trainer or instructor is usually further below the page; usually after the social buttons and a repeat of the course title for relational appreciation.

Typical Lesson Page

A typical lesson page looks like illustrated below; it has lesson title, display picture, author info, progress bar, lesson preamble, lesson content, navigation buttons, etc…

For emphasis, do note that topics for a lesson (and quizzes, where applicable) are usually listed under Lesson Content as hyperlinks or clickable links; possibly after a preamble for the Lesson. Possibly, because a Lesson may or may not have a preamble.

Again, to access a topic (or quiz, where applicable) you usually need to click it. And it should open to a page where the actual material or presentation (be it a topic, or quiz) can then be seen, along with associated buttons to help you navigate through the entire lesson (and course).

Typical Topic Page

Of special interest is the “Mark Complete” button. Whenever you are sufficiently done with or have completed a sub-topic or a lesson that does not have sub-topics, you need to tell the system so, for the purpose of tracking your progress. You therefore have to click the “Mark Complete” button.

Please note that when in a sub-topic you cannot move directly to the next lesson; you will have to click back to the parent lesson before moving to the next lesson from there.

Note also that you are required to enroll into a course before you can take take the full course. More about enrollment further below.

Access to Lessons and Topics

It is important to note that in certain situations, especially when you have not logged in, or when you have logged in but have not enrolled into that particular course or workshop, the links may not work as expected but rather show a notice that says: “You don’t currently have access to this content” (white on a blue background). In that case you have to log in first, which requires that you must have registered already or otherwise you have to register and enroll; you may click here for more about Registration.

Sometimes you may see a ‘SAMPLE LESSON’ label by a lesson, similar to as shown below…

Any lesson labelled this way can be viewed even when you have not enrolled or even logged in; when you click on any such lesson it will open so that you can preview it.

Now, on the issue of enrollment, if you logged in, and a progress bar similar to the one below was on the course page, usually above the course preamble, then you are already enrolled…

If so please close this window, and then click the applicable lesson, topic, or quiz under the ‘Course Content’ on the course page to proceed with the course. 

If you have logged in and still seeing the notice that says: “You don’t currently have access to this contentthen you need to enroll into that course in order to gain full access; see below…

How to enroll

If there was no progress bar on the course page, then you should find the Enrollment Panel with a ‘NOT ENROLLED’ indicator similar to the one above; usually located below the Course Content or Course Outline on the main course page, and not the popup course outline. As earlier illustrated further above. Please take particular note.

In that case you have to click the ‘Login To Enroll‘ button (for free courses) or the ‘Take this Course‘ button (for paid courses) or similar text beneath the ‘Get Started’ inscription; on the course page. Most free courses still require that you should first login with your username and password. If you don’t have a password for this community website, please register; General (Entry) level registration is FREE! And takes just 2 minutes, in 2 steps. You may click the “Register” button below:

After clicking the said applicable button or text as indicated above, the ‘NOT ENROLLED’ indicator should disappear, and the progress bar should appear on the course page. That indicates that you are now enrolled. You can then click the applicable lesson, topic, or quiz under the ‘Course Content’ on the course page to proceed with the course.

Sponsorship Application

Just provide your details below and click the ‘Send’ button further below. We will contact you and assist you.

If you mainly want to be part of the Personal Development and Wealth Creation Masterclass training sessions then click the button above. Not sure what this is about? Click here. Else proceed below…

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Masterclass Application Form

Kindly provide the necessary information, and click the ‘Send’ button further below…


In the diagram shown immediately above (with lines in orange colour) how many squares are there; how many squares can you make out in total?

Type your answer in the textbox below and click the ‘Submit’ button for a surprise…

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To select (or reserve) an item you are interested in, just click the ‘Add to Basket‘ button beneath that particular item; please do this for each of the items you seek to add to your selection. And ‘View Your Selection / Basket‘ later, and then proceed to checkout.

For additional terms regarding ‘Direct Coaching‘ please scroll further down this Quick Guide. If you are new to buying online (online shopping) and need some additional (in-depth) guidance you may click the button below…

Direct Coaching

Comes in 2 main options, each with a different cost implication...

Prices shown for Direct Coaching* are for the popular choice... Option 1. This includes Bronze Membership, allowing you online access to special content to complement the Direct Coaching.

For Option 2, a minimum of 10 subscription purchases are required. Where trainee(s) opt for a significantly different training location / venue other than one within the reach of the facilitator, prorated facilitator transportation charges (FTC) may apply, in addition to the subscription purchases. Where it occurs, actual figures shall be determined and agreed upon prior to the training.


So in the diagram, how many squares did you make out in total; how many squares are there?

Well, most people get or give 16 as their answer. Some get 17 and a few get 21; and that’s at least better than the ‘16’ answer majority of people give. Just about 1 percent of people surveyed get the best answer; which is…

Well, get a full illustration of all the more than 21 possible ‘hidden’ squares…


One: Sometimes you need someone to show you the obvious, and oftentimes… the not so obvious! Credit to ZigZiglar

Two: Education and schooling are not the same thing. What goes on inside the schools is often not education. And the results may well be that it reduces productive capacity rather than to increase it. Credit to Prof Sir William Arthur Lewis

Three: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Credit to Prophet Hosea

Four: The illiterates of the future are not those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn! Credit to Alvin Toffler

Five: The greatest obstacle to progress is not ignorance, but the illusion of knowledge. Credit to Daniel Boorstin

Six: When you know the right things, the boundaries around your life suddenly disappear. Credit to Brian Sher