During my secondary school years, through Personal Development, I chanced upon some really amazing principles for getting the most out of both the classroom, and private study; in essence, ‘How to Learn / Study for Amazing Results.’ And I did apply the principles and saw amazing performance at that level, and also at the University and beyond. I taught others to apply same and witnessed fantastic results. Though I was from a relatively low-level environment and did not benefit from any formal vacation classes, I outperformed those who were from more privileged communities and had the benefit of extra classes during vacations. I ended up topping the GCE O’Levels in my school and all the schools in my District and beyond. Indeed, by the close of my Form 3 long vacation, I had finished the Form 5 practical work in one of the key subjects.
From Sixth Form up to the University level, I still was either the best or among the best in my class – and I did not have to strain myself to study for long hours; I enjoyed the practical freedom I got from the principles and so I always had time to do a whole lot of other things – especially learning how to program the computer and mastering many application software all on my own; and of course, using the same principles, techniques and strategies I had earlier chanced upon! As a treat, I designed this website.
Interestingly enough, I used the principles to learn how to sew clothes to international standards in record time; all on my own. And with that I sewed my own clothes and tropical suits for my dad from secondary school level till I entered the university, and actually sewed clothes for export to Canada. And interestingly, what I sewed was of greater workmanship and finesse than the prototype samples that were initially brought in from Canada. Much earlier before this, I had used the principles to learn how to make electric doorbell, electric buzzer, carbon microphone, loudspeakers, etc. and was having fun making them.
It all was a matter of Personal Development. I have a lot more personal testimonials in other dimensions of life but let us move on to that of others also.