In saying that “You have to become the true you”, am I suggesting that you are not the true you? And what does that even mean?
Yes! I am so confident that you are not the true you yet. And it is highly likely that even what you hope to become in future is nowhere near what you are indeed capable of achieving. Indeed, what you are inherently capable of becoming is far greater than you could even imagine.
And it takes proper Personal Development to become that true you.
Take a close look at the image below…
What do you notice?
Of course, it’s a farmyard with some birds. How many types of birds can you make out? Please note down your answer. Can you identify the types of birds? Again, please note down your answer; in your note-taking app, a sheet of paper, or whatever option you prefer.
Now let’s be more specific; can you identify the bird on the extreme left? It looks different from the rest of the birds.
So what bird is it?
Most people identify it as an eagle. Did you also say… “eagle”?
No, it is a turgle! Well, this is a bird that was supposed to be an eagle but lived as a turkey! It did everything like a turkey; scratching for termites, consistently walking, and hardly flying except for occasional brief thrashing of its wings like turkeys do. Of course, that’s what it saw among the turkeys. ; That’s mediocrity. And it is sad if you consider that a real eagle has amazing capabilities far beyond those of the turkey. Let’s for that matter refer to it as a ‘turkey-eagle’ or ‘turgle’, – that sounds nicer!
You probably know that the eagle is the most powerful bird of prey in the world. The eagle’s unique qualities and character traits include Strong Vision, Boldness, and Courage!
The eagle is able to attack human beings. It is also able to attack fierce animals like the fox, and the bear; and even animals much larger than itself. There are so many great things to say about the eagle. So how on earth did this eagle get turned into a mere ‘turkey’?
A certain hunter went out and chanced upon an eaglet; that is, a young eagle. He took the eaglet home and added it to his turkeys. The eaglet grew among the turkeys that had naturally become its family and learnt their ways. Thinking it was a turkey, it did everything like a turkey. Take particular note of that.
On a few occasions, it saw an eagle in the sky and thought to itself, “What a majestic and beautiful bird! I wish I could be like one; but let me not give that a second thought, for I’m a mere turkey and I can never be like this powerful bird; settling for less than it deserved and was indeed capable of achieving. It did not even know that in the first place. Sad eh!
The turgle’s situation is just like that of the horse which was tied to a lightweight chair but did not escape, just because it thought it was seriously restrained…
In the words of Denis Waitley, “It is not what you are that holds you back, it is what you think you are not.” Allan Snyder also says… “Everybody has inner genius, but it is our perception that prevents us from tapping into this inner genius.” Yes!
The turgle story is an allegory that reflects what happens in real life. And the whole process is typical of what is termed “Processionary Caterpillar Syndrome”. You will get to know more about that later.
As an allegorical story, the eagle represents ‘what you were created to be – an amazing being with extreme capabilities!’ The hunter represents Parents and Guardians, Educational Institutions, and the larger Society. And the ‘turgle’ represents what you are likely to turn out in life as a result of the actions and inactions of your family, school, the organisations you belong to, and society as a whole. In that sense, I can safely say, metaphorically, that at the core of you, you are an eagle. Well, you were supposed to be, but because you have been raised among turkeys, you think you are a turkey and so you are not demonstrating your eagle qualities. So you have to become ‘you: the eagle you are supposed to be… an amazing being with extreme power’. And you can only do that through proper Personal Development.
I will give some examples to illustrate your possible ‘turgle’ situation, and as I do I want you to evaluate or measure yourself in the light of the amazing being you otherwise could truly be…