The second major turning point was a missed gargantuan opportunity!
It was during my secondary school days at St. Peter’s, Nkwatia; I used to write for vehicle magazines and catalogues from abroad; Benz, Volvo, Saab, Scania, Mitsubishi, etc. One of the days, as I was going through the Scania magazine, I noticed something very interesting: you see that most (if not all) of the trucks on our roads have some small lights along the side of the trailer; apparently they are not for decoration per se; they are to help road users (especially other drivers) to see the sides of the truck in the night; so the magazine referred to them as side markers. I thought to myself; “If you really want to mark the sides of the vehicle then there should be lights on the extreme protrusions of the vehicle; which are the driving mirrors!” It was like an epiphany, but I could not do anything with this idea. Sometime later, I saw that Mercedes Benz had done that.
Upon hindsight, I should have found a way of selling the idea to one of the car companies, or even patent it if that could be allowed. It has thus been part of my mission to let people (especially the youth) know the economic benefits of some of the ideas that come their way, and to actually learn to come up with such great ideas, and commercialise them.
You may click here to see all the 5 major themes, or click here to see why I first tackle self-image in my training sessions. Or you may click here to see the most significant turning point in my life, and how that should be your story too!
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