The third major turning point was after my O’Level results came in.
One little but significant detail missing in the earlier account is that all the while, where we were staying as a family did not have electricity installed, and I had to depend on kerosene lamp (lantern) for reading / working in the evenings. Also, with my vacations predominantly spent at that small town, I did not have the benefit of real vacation classes or significant extra classes; unlike most of my classmates, especially those who were coming from the cities. But with the exposure earlier recounted, I emerged as the best performing student.
This taught me to ignore / overlook my environment and circumstances so as to develop a very healthy acceptance of myself and my worthiness. I later got to know how important this attitude is; it was very much emphasised in various psychology books and especially self-help (motivational) books I later got to read. It is the major reason why my first book, and the first module in my life-coaching series focuses on helping people to develop a robust healthy self-image. To learn more about self-image and to improve your self-image you may click here.
A very dramatic illustration of the importance of ‘self-image’ is found in ‘Numbers 13’ of the Christian Scriptures (Holy Bible).
You may click here to see all the 5 major themes, or click here to see why I encourage young people to venture into business. Or you may click here to see the most significant turning point in my life, and how that should be your story too!
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