Even prior to COVID-19, our research had uncovered very worrying issues that were secretly harming people; the situation has been worsened so much by the challenges of COVID-19. However, the good news is that opportunities abound in the midst of the challenges, and therefore there is the need to seize the moment! Indeed, COVID-19 brought with it opportunities that hitherto did not exist, or otherwise were not that obvious. Through this theme, we intend to lay bare everything there is to know in order to immediately get to live a truly fulfilling life while increasing your productivity to levels that will amaze yourself and the people around you!
The issues of true fulfillment, and productivity, should not be taken lightly at all, because they are terribly harming most people, and you may be a victim without even knowing. Indeed a lot of the difficulties you are likely to be facing in life can be avoided with the right fore-knowledge. We have thus put together an expose to further place those two issues in their proper context; you may click here to see that.
Below is a video excerpt of the main presentation as was on Zoom…
Here are what to do...
1. Relax
2. Believe
3. Plan
4. Execute
5. Learn
6. Innovate
7. Repeat
This presentation was based on an earlier publication titled:Â Purpose Compass; you may click here to see that.