Africa is very rich in natural resources, and almost all the people are very religious and have been praying fervently and consistently; besides the Universities, Polytechnics, Training Colleges, and Technical Schools produce numerous intellectuals – Professors, Doctorate Holders, Masters Holders, Diploma Holders, and a whole lot of people with serious academic credentials; some from very reputable universities across the globe. And yet most of the countries, including Ghana, are bedeviled with age old developmental problems such as indiscriminate littering, ignorance, illiteracy, diseases, unemployment, stack poverty and general underdevelopment.
The question is: WHY IS THIS SO?
And most importantly, WHAT IS THE SOLUTION / REMEDY?
Zing4Life! is transforming the lives of many individuals across the globe, but perhaps the most significant application of ‘Zing4Life!’ is its application to accelerate the development of Africa. Indeed, we of Seers Foundation (and Seers Consult) are persuaded that Zing4Life! is the surest solution / remedy to the problems of Africa! And that the most significant application of ‘Zing4Life!’ is for accelerating the development of Africa.
But isn’t formal education or schooling supposed to do that?
Well, surprisingly (perhaps not so surprisingly) formal education / schooling does not; indeed, formal education / schooling alone cannot!
First of all the problems persist because the prevailing education has been persistently partial in nature; it is able to harness less than 22 percent of people’s true effectiveness and true greatness, from leadership to followership! Indeed, about 97 out of every 100 people underestimate their capabilities, and use very little of their true / hidden potential; far less than 10 percent of their true potential. And it is all because there are certain Zing4Life! principles, techniques and strategies people need to be taught when growing up but a whopping majority are not being taught; parents / guardians are not teaching them, the schools are not teaching them, and the church and other religious organisations too are not teaching them. You may click here to see more about this.
We are leading in the effort at teaching the Zing4Life! principles, techniques, and strategies in Africa through various interventions; all in a collaborative effort to produce numerous exceptional doers in Africa. This is a laudable way to ensure a tangible, accelerated and sustainable development of the continent. You may click here to see more.
Support us to transform #more lives. Our current lead objective / goal is to train at least 8.25m people to live truly fulfilling lives, and especially to acquire and apply Zing4Life! principles to unearth / harness their true / hidden potential and positively affect Ghana, Africa, and the world tangibly and exceptionally!
This is a worthy cause and an onerous task that requires a lot of support, especially your support. Even a ‘little’ support can make a huge #impact!
Zing4Life! is the main ingredient (if not the only ingredient) missing in Africa’s developmental efforts!
Africa needs enough people with a good dose of Zing4Life! If not Africa’s development will be painfully slow; if not relatively retrogressive. And to get around it, African countries will borrow heavily to procure foreign goods / equipment and a good dose of foreign labour in attempts to develop (superficially though) without attendant increase in productivity, which will result in heavy indebtedness relative to their GDP.
Please support the effort to use Zing4Life! to increase the productivity of African countries!