We are able, willing and ready to train you and your people to harness your true or hidden potential and thus become exceptionally productive, and also enjoy a truly fulfilling life! We will coach you to use the right tools and techniques to supercharge your productivity in very critical areas of your life and business, and get you to achieve so much more than you would ordinarily think possible! In essence, we are set out to train you (and other participants) to become Exceptionally Brilliant, Exceptionally Creative or Innovative, Exceptionally Productive or Wealthy, Exceptionally Healthy, Exceptionally Free or Happy, and so much more!
But aren’t formal education / schooling, and religion supposed to do that? Well, surprisingly, formal education / schooling, and religion do not, and ordinarily cannot! You may click here for more about this very surprising revelation; you will be amazed!
See our training modes, and main outline further below.
A critical success factor of our training is to help you (and all participants) to get to know, understand, and apply Zing4Life! principles, techniques, and strategies; for a truly fulfilling life.
Training Modes
Our training approaches are flexible, very practical and very interactive; we use the audience participatory approach as much as possible.
Training Modules
Our main training is divided into 4 modules: Primer, EEE-Z!, Lifematix, and Richmatix; each module has several course components within. The modules are briefly explained as follows…
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There are high levels of unconscious incompetence when it comes to life, and living it; people think they understand life, but most don’t; indeed 97 out of every 100 people picked at random (97% of people; ordinarily) do not understand life well enough and thus suffer needlessly from avoidable stress and regrets. The Primer module sets out to give unique foundational life-coaching that literally liberates!
To see the specific course components that constitute the Primer module, you may click here.
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Pronounced… /ˈiiːzi/ or /ˈē-zē/ or /ee-zee/ EEE-Z! stands for Extreme Educational Excellence with Zing4Life!
The training focuses on the core principles, techniques and strategies for using the brain and the mind to achieve amazing results. It also covers how to get the most out reading materials, teaching / lectures and other presentations.
To see the specific course components that constitute the EEE-Z! module, you may click here.
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Call it How to Live Meaningfully in Order to Make a Meaningful Living! Yes, the Primer module gives a foundational coaching about life, and Lifematix takes that to extremes by taking you through the 7 core results areas of living.
To see the specific course components that constitute the Lifematix module, you may click here.
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Call it True Entrepreneurship with Zing4Life! Richmatix is all about significant wealth creation through true and proper entrepreneurship as well as ‘intrapreneurship.’
You may probably be aware that there are 5 main ways of making money but most people use only 1, and also that most businesses fail within their first few years. Indeed, 80 out of every 100 businesses (80% of businesses) fail within their first 5 years. After 9 years, only 4 percent of startup businesses remain, and of those that remain only a quarter make significant profit; the rest just hang in there.
Richmatix takes you through the nuances of wealth creation, systematically arming you with the tools to succeed in your wealth creation journey, and excel at it!
To see the specific course components that constitute the Richmatix module, you may click here.
Every member, indeed every visitor or user of this platform, is expected (or otherwise encouraged) to go through this training for a truly fulfilling life; the purpose for which Seers was founded in the first place. For that reason we front the outline as part of the footer on each native page.