This publication is the response to one of the review questions for a live radio interview on my article: ‘What the Church Refuses to Teach About Christianity;’ the particular question was…
What are your final words?
As recorded in Luke 5:1-6, one day Jesus was teaching the multitudes as he sat in a boat that belonged to Simon, a fisherman. After the teaching He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” Notice that he gave Simon sound practical advise; in terms of where to move to, at the right timing. The all night work of Simon had yielded nothing; and to Simon once what he (Simon) knew by his experience had not worked, he had given up without trying the day time option. But once Simon obeyed, and took the required action per Jesus’s direction or guidance, you know what happened! They caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking. Practical guidance makes a world of a difference! Pray without ceasing! Yes, fast when the situation requires it. But don’t neglect the place of appropriate practical guidance because most of the challenges we face require practical guidance. I’m saying: do the latter, without ignoring the former!
My dear brother, my dear sister listening to me (reading this) right now, yes you! The truth is that, you were born to be great! You can pursue and accomplish whatever great desires you set your heart on, but then, trust me, you underestimate your capabilities, and use very little of your true potential; far less than 10%; just because you have not been taught ‘How to interpret and apply Scriptures in context,’ and ‘How to harness your true or hidden potential.’ As a result, it is highly likely; 97 out of 100 chances, that you and your people may go through ‘avoidable’ struggles and regret(s) in life, if you don’t get the appropriate help?
I believe that you now realise that there is adequate and appropriate practical guidance to help you make your life and work exceptional and much easier! What are you going to do with all that you’ve heard this morning? And if you are a Student/pupil, Teacher, Parent or Guardian, Even media person, Policy Maker; or a leader of any kind, how about harnessing more of the true or hidden potential of your people! Imagine the good that this will bring to you. Take action! Remember, “A real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken a new action. If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided.”
Have a joyous time, and I am confident that as you ponder over this discussion, you will have a renewed vigour for the weeks ahead; and you will make it a point to get in touch for us to help you to unearth your true/hidden potential and that of your people. You are a blessed, so stay blessed! Amen!!!
This publication was the response to one of the review questions for a live radio interview on my article: ‘What the Church Refuses to Teach About Christianity;’ for the other review questions and responses you may click here.
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