This publication is the response to one of the review questions for a live radio interview on my article: ‘What the Church Refuses to Teach About Christianity;’ the particular question was…
What has Zing4Life! been able to achieve?
So much!!! Even before I give some specifics, let me say that, if you know of any great achiever in this world, or any person who is living a truly fulfilling life, chances are that the person is applying some Zing4Life! principles and practices. Indeed, countries that have developed have a critical mass of their people applying some Zing4Life! principles and practices. That is why we are advocating that Ghana (or even Africa) should adopt and implement it on a massive scale. To that effect, as an organisation, we have done pilots, and are now scaling it up.
Let me give you some testimonials; first, a personal one…
You may click here for my personal testimonial and a few others
Let me add just one from the others…
Through our effort, one university student, who hitherto had financial challenges, successfully combined his academic work with a business venture he was inspired, empowered and liberated to undertake even while in school. He became financially stable, did even much better in his academics, and generally happier than ever! Before he graduated, he already had a very viable business going for him. Such a person would not add to the stream of unemployed graduates; he would rather be offering employment to other people and contributing more meaningfully towards national development.
I could go on and on but I think this should give a fair idea of the potency of Zing4Life!
This publication was the response to one of the review questions for a live radio interview on my article: ‘What the Church Refuses to Teach About Christianity;’ for the other review questions and responses you may click here.
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