In most organisations (companies, churches, schools, etc) only 15 percent of the subordinates know what their organisation or department’s top goals and priorities are. A vast majority of subordinates, indeed 85 out of 100 of subordinates, don’t know what their organisation or department’s top goals and priorities are. Of those who know the top goals and priorities, only 19 out of 100 feel passionate about these top goals and priorities; that translates to about 3 percent of all the subordinates. Again, of those who know the organisation or department’s top goals and priorities, only 49 percent of their working hours is spent on the most important goals; More than half of the time is spent on less important activities. In a sense, in a lot of organisations what the people accomplish the whole year, is actually doable within 3 months. In effect the actions and inactions of leaders are denying the world of quick, innovative, and effective solutions at sufficiently low cost, and denying their workers of the much higher remuneration and other rewards they so much deserve.
If you are a manager or a business owner; or even if you just hope to be one, this should concern you. You need Zing4Life! to deal with this kind of canker!
PS: This issue of alarming leadership crisis is one of the 5 common and completely avoidable problems you are likely to face in life, out of ignorance; you may click here to see the others.
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