They were all passionate about the issues I had broached in the TV Interview, following the release of my amazing book: THE PURPOSE COMPASS : 7 Amazing Steps to a Happy and a Truly Fulfilling Life. We all agreed that the issues were (and still are) very sensitive and could be misconstrued by conservative Christians, and thus required (and still require) a lot of wisdom / tact in the approach, but then the time was (and still is) due for a massive education / enlightenment in that direction.’
It reminded me of one very important call (among many important calls) I received after my interview on ‘What the Church Refuses to Teach About Christianity.’ A charismatic bishop (with some 100 pastors under his mentorship) called me to encourage me and invited me to speak to the pastors on the issues, which I did; it was very exciting! Also, I remember what a renowned pastor said to me after a presentation in Europe. The principal theme was: “No Real Limits or Limitations” and the objective was to provide unique orientation about life, especially how to organise one’s thoughts, actions, and inactions to achieve a truly fulfilling life of extreme productivity. Within the constraint of time, I did a general introduction of Zing4Life! on the first encounter, and shared excerpts from Zing4Life! Part 1 in the subsequent encounter. And when I was done, the Pastor made a stunning remark that could only come from very deep within (one could tell from his facial expression, voice tone, and general body language) and I have never forgotten that experience; unbeknown to him, it was an endorsement of the principal objective that drives my writing and life-coaching efforts; he said: “Dave, you probably don’t know the extent of the impact you’re going to make with this!” Indeed, I have been overwhelmed by the exciting testimonials that keep pouring in from people who are being liberated by the various principles, techniques and strategies Zing4Life! presents, starting with The Purposes Compass: 7 Amazing Steps to a Truly Fulfilling Life…
You may click here for more about The Purpose Compass
I’m really impressed that there are many pastors (probably in the majority) who are not afraid to expose their people to truths that ordinarily get overlooked by the church. I’m by this inviting you to join me to create this awareness; that…
There is far more that the church should be teaching (you may click here to see) beyond the regular preaching / teaching we are used to in church, and such often overlooked insightful and useful information is in keeping with the mandate of the church as being the salt of the earth, and the light of the world. You can be a good support by sharing this article with your associates.
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