
First and most amazing seed every great parent or mentor sows into the life of his / her child or mentee

My parents have been awesome in every way; they have spent so much providing for me, educating me, and so on. But the greatest investment they made for me, for which I am most grateful, is something money cannot buy! It is not the degrees they helped me to acquire, it is not a real property, business, or investment portfolio; it is worth far more than all that! Interestingly it turns out to be the first and most amazing seed every great parent sows into the life of his / her child. Indeed, all the world’s truly great achievers had their parents (or some other mentors) sowing that seed into them.

Take Thomas Edison (one of the greatest inventors of all time) for instance; he had only a few months of formal schooling and had to drop out because he was unable to cope. His mother sowed that seed into him, and without even going back to the classroom he went on to spearhead the development of many of the innovations (especially inventions) that have blessed our lives (including the light bulb, the phonograph, movie camera, and several hundreds more; he holds more than 1,000 invention patents to his credit), having founded one of the biggest electric companies in the world (which is now a core part of General Electric or GE).

For the purpose of this presentation, and especially because I may not know who you are, I simply use ‘child(ren)’ to represent both your biological child(ren) (if you have) and / or any other person(s) under your care and mentorship; for instance the students (or pupils) if you are a teacher, the congregation (especially the children, teens and young adults) if you are a pastor, and so on.

Now, what really is the first and most amazing seed every great parent or mentor sows into the life of his / her child or mentee?

In a single word I call it ‘Zing!‘ And as earlier intimated, all the world’s truly great achievers had their parents (or some other mentors) sowing that seed into them. Now, sow that same seed into your children and you’ll be amazed at what they will become, and the fantastic contributions they will be making in life. And it’s something that is so simple to do! I will explain what this seed is all about, and then I will go on to show you how to sow this same seed into the life of your children.

So what is this ‘Zing’ seed I’m talking about?

It is special grit. It is grit that is based on full awareness of one’s true potential, one’s true self-worth, and adequate practical guidance on how to harness that true or hidden potential for a truly fulfilling life and for awesome positive impact such as to develop an idea, a theory, a company, a product or service that will significantly improve the lives of at least 1 billion people within 10 years, and likely generate wealth beyond what one could possibly spend in a lifetime, without burning out.

To help me explain further, permit to ask you a critical (somewhat sensitive) question…

Do you know your true potential? What about your children? Do you know their true potentials? And do they themselves know their true potentials?

Chances are that you don’t! And chances are that your children also do not know their true potentials.

It may surprise you to note that, every person born into this world is a genius within; indeed, every person born into this world has the inborn potential ability to develop an idea, a theory, a company, a product or service that will significantly improve the lives of at least 1 billion people within 10 years, and thus generate wealth beyond what one could possibly spend in a lifetime. You may click here for a full discussion of this issue.

Please note that it is not a potential within some few people; it is a potential within everyone! That means, you have that potential within you (even if you have never been told, felt so within you, nor demonstrated so in anyway over the period) and your children also have that potential within them, even if they may not be demonstrating any such traits at the moment. And though the formal education system promises so much, and takes so much of your resources, ordinarily the formal education they go through can only harness up to just 22 percent of their true or hidden potential. And though you may be religious, and your children may also be religious (and that may have some benefits) being religious alone may not necessarily add much as far as harnessing their true or hidden potential is concerned. (More about this later). You may need to sow the ‘Zing’ seed in them in order for them to exhibit that true or hidden potentials that are in them. And before we delve into the specifics of how to sow the ‘Zing’ seed into the lives of your children and thus get them to harness their true or hidden potential and get to live a truly fulfilling life, let me ask another sensitive question…

Are you truly fulfilled in life?

Notice that the question is not about a fulfilling life (that is subjective) but rather a truly fulfilling life! Yes, there is a big difference! So for instance, are you truly happy with your occupation, and it’s impact on your health, and your wealth? Chances are that you don’t, and that given the option you would love to be doing something else or otherwise working at a different place. Well, job dissatisfaction is widespread. Indeed, if you randomly select 100 people and ask about their work life, it should not surprise you to note that 82 of them (i.e. a whopping 82 percent of people) will not be enjoying their work life.

Sadly, most people are not truly fulfilled in life, and chances are that without sowing the ‘Zing’ seed in your children, they may end up avoiding decisions and actions that will help them live a truly fulfilling life and rather be enticed into actions and inactions that will rob them of being truly fulfilled in life. You may click here for a full discussion of this issue.

Now, how can you sow the ‘Zing’ seed?

Step 1: Believe in your children, and demonstrate so.

Sowing the ‘Zing’ seed makes the difference! And the first major step in sowing that ‘Zing’ seed into the lives of your children is to make them aware of the facts I have just recounted, and a bit more. It begins with seeing your children mostly with your mind’s eye from positive expectations, and not just your biological eyes. You have to overlook everything you see physically about your children and believe with conviction that they are geniuses within, and that they have the inborn potential ability to develop an idea, a theory, a company, a product or service that will significantly improve the lives of at least 1 billion people within 10 years, and thus generate wealth beyond what one could possibly spend in a lifetime. You may get them to see the ‘Hard truth every student needs to hear, in order to make life easy or else face avoidable difficulties and regrets in life‘ presentation. And you have to deliberately let them know that you believe in them as geniuses, and you must consistently remind them.

I suggest that you should call your children, and let them know this at your earliest convenience; you can go like… “Hello Clara, Kofi and Mansa (substitute their names) I have good news for you! You are such amazing beings; you have the inborn potential ability to develop an idea, a theory, a company, a product or service that will significantly improve the lives of at least 1 billion people within 10 years, and thus generate so much income for yourselves than you can possibly spend in your lifetime. It does not matter what you see in yourselves at the moment, and it does not matter what you see around you now. And I’m going to help you to unearth that true or hidden potential!

Don’t let likely past personal negative experiences make you skeptical. Especially if you are a religious person then chances are that some role models (especially religious leaders) might have encouraged you to dream big dreams and to do big things, because you are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, and so on! But chances are that they have not helped you to identify the details of the potential within you, let alone guide you as to how to harness it, guide you practically as to how to go about accomplishing your big dreams, and to support you alongside. Chances are either that you have gone through very bitter and regrettable experiences while trying to accomplish big dreams, or that the fear of the unknown has created some inertia in you, and so in either way you have resolved to play it safe, and might want to shield your children from any similar inconveniences. If so, kindly let that go! For “It is not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you are not!” in the words of Denis Waitley. Step 2 will take care of those fears or concerns.

Step 2: Get them Zing4Life! training

Fundamentally, Zing4Life! is… special educing body of information or knowledge; made up of simple and very insightful principles, techniques and strategies that will bring out your true or hidden potential and that of your people and get you to become… exceptionally brilliant, exceptionallycreative or innovative, exceptionally productive or wealthy, exceptionally healthy, exceptionally free or happy, and so much more!

It’s important to note that motivation alone is not enough; else majority of people would be excelling by now, but evidently that is not the case. Everyday, every week, in religious organisations and through the mass media (especially in the mornings) people get all the words of encouragement yet for majority of them their lives do not improve significantly, if at all, because systematic training to unearth people’s true or hidden potential and help them to live a truly fulfilling life is missing in most religious organisations much as it is also missing in most schools, and mainstream media. Zing4Life! was carefully designed to remedy this by providing uniquely empowering training to augment what the schools and the religious organisations do; it’s potent enough to help harness the true or hidden potential of your children and get them to live a truly fulfilling life. You may enroll them online, or otherwise get the two reference manuals (books) for them.

Getting your children to be confident and aspire to do great things in life without the right directions and tools can lead them into very frustrating encounters that may cause them to give up easily. The world out there is tough; the right guidance is key and Zing4Life! provides that. Zing4Life! clearly defines what a truly fulfilling life is, and gives the steps for attaining a truly fulfilling life. It is the foundational life-coaching (mentorship) you have always wanted; now at your disposal especially for the benefit of your children; they will find it amazing, and you will be amazed too! It is an objective orientation about life, especially how to organize your thoughts, actions, and inactions to achieve a truly fulfilling life of extreme productivity. You may click here to see more.

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First and most amazing seed every great parent or mentor sows into the life of his / her child or mentee

About the Author

Picture of David K Egyir

David K Egyir

EGYIR is passionate about helping serious people like you to escape the most dangerous — common but avoidable — problem most people (rich, poor, educated, uneducated, religious, and non-religious alike) face in life. Also, he designs and builds beautiful, cost-effective and functional buildings, and graphics. And he helps executives, marketers, and business owners to make effective presentations; what you may call winning presentations. He is an Architect, a Designer, and a Life Coach. And an Entrepreneur. Especially as a life-coach, he has been popularly adjudged the best coach for excelling in education, increasing wealth, eliminating stress, and enjoying true fulfillment in life! Egyir understands life thoroughly and shares amazingly liberating insights from a uniquely empowering perspective. He has a firm conviction that, “The greatest tragedy in life is that majority of people have accepted to be less than they were born to be and are thus accomplishing far less than their true capabilities.” To that end, he authored (wrote) Purpose Compass, the exceptional life-coaching book that reveals 4 habits that are currently making your life difficult, or otherwise may soon make your life difficult, but which your parent, teacher, or pastor would dare not talk about; how to escape them and get to live a stress-free life of purpose faster! And 13 other equally amazing books that constitute the Zing4Life! Series. Egyir is also lead promoter of the electronic, trendy and amazing Smart Business Card, the only business card you’ll ever need, for the executive in you! He is a husband, and a father of two. Positionally, he is the Lead Founder and CEO of Seers, Associate of Arthro Synergeio, Lay Preacher of The Methodist Church Ghana, Global Lead Advocate of Zing4Life! and Volunteer Mentor with iMentor Ghana. To see more about him you may click here. #WeAreSeers | To get in touch with Egyir or to follow him on social media you may click here. #EgyirGuidesDaily | To support his writing & life-coaching social ministry you may click here. #SeersFoundation | To be part of Egyir's live sessions online at 20.30 GMT on Sundays you may click here. #TimeWithSeers |

First and most amazing seed every great parent or mentor sows into the life of his / her child or mentee

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First and most amazing seed every great parent or mentor sows into the life of his / her child or mentee

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So in the diagram, how many squares did you make out in total; how many squares are there?

Well, most people get or give 16 as their answer. Some get 17 and a few get 21; and that’s at least better than the ‘16’ answer majority of people give. Just about 1 percent of people surveyed get the best answer; which is…

Well, get a full illustration of all the more than 21 possible ‘hidden’ squares…


One: Sometimes you need someone to show you the obvious, and oftentimes… the not so obvious! Credit to ZigZiglar

Two: Education and schooling are not the same thing. What goes on inside the schools is often not education. And the results may well be that it reduces productive capacity rather than to increase it. Credit to Prof Sir William Arthur Lewis

Three: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Credit to Prophet Hosea

Four: The illiterates of the future are not those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn! Credit to Alvin Toffler

Five: The greatest obstacle to progress is not ignorance, but the illusion of knowledge. Credit to Daniel Boorstin

Six: When you know the right things, the boundaries around your life suddenly disappear. Credit to Brian Sher