So far, we agree that your life on earth is shaped – to a very large extent – by a huge number of persons within the seven pillars of culture. Also that humans can be very dishonest! And it certainly looks like people find it easier to believe the hype than to believe the truth or reality!
The results or consequences of all that on you is that you are likely to be having a warped paradigm of life; a skewed and somewhat erroneous understanding of how life works. And chances are that your vision and goals are warped, Thus you may be in danger of falling into many avoidable problems and regrets in life.
It so happens that even with the best intentions, and efforts of the teachers and influencers, or your mentors and role models, chances are that eventually, you have been socialised to underestimate your capabilities, and are thus using so little of your true or hidden potential, without knowing.
Especially based on what they tell you, and most importantly what they refuse to tell you, chances are that you may be more predisposed to – and indeed more interested in – pleasure, or having fun, mostly without the necessary safeguards against the challenges of adulthood you are yet to experience, especially if you are in school or graduated just few years ago. By the way, having fun is not the problem. And society – including religious organisations and the media; especially television and social platforms – will urge you on with more entertainment, and the promise of pleasure.
The next chapter outlines a few of the many avoidable problems and regrets in life, highlighting some intriguing statistical dimensions of those lurking traps.
Chapter 3 throws more light on how that you become a willing accomplice, and along with the rest of the chapters show you how to redeem or cover and protect yourself. And most especially how to get to live a truly fulfilling life of purpose.