University of Life & Wealth Creation
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In the diagram shown immediately above (with lines in orange colour) how many squares are there; how many squares can you make out in total?
Type your answer in the textbox below and click the ‘Submit’ button for a surprise…
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To select (or reserve) an item you are interested in, just click the ‘Add to Basket‘ button beneath that particular item; please do this for each of the items you seek to add to your selection. And ‘View Your Selection / Basket‘ later, and then proceed to checkout.
For additional terms regarding ‘Direct Coaching‘ please scroll further down this Quick Guide. If you are new to buying online (online shopping) and need some additional (in-depth) guidance you may click the button below…
Courses are also also known as a workshops. Courses (or workshops) are made up of lessons, topics, and quizzes; the main components which constitute the Course Content, along with preambles or intros.
To begin taking a particular course please click the ‘Login To Enroll‘ button or the ‘Take this Course‘ button (or something similar) on the course page. For paid courses or courses that are not for free, the button helps you to make a purchase first. And you can pay in your local currency; just change the currency type during the purchasing process.
Genuinely cannot afford a paid course? No problem, we’ve got a scholarship/sponsorship package* for you; you may scroll further down to apply. *Terms & Conditions apply.
Most free courses still require that you should first login with your username and password. If you don’t have a password for this community website, please register; General (Entry) level registration is FREE! And takes just 2 minutes, in 2 steps. Please click the “Register” button below:
A typical course or workshop page looks like illustrated below; it has course title, display picture, author info, help buttons, course preamble, course content (also called course outline), enrollment panel, etc…
The Course Content usually comes after a brief intro or preamble to the course. Note however, that the course intro or preamble could be included in the Course Content itself, in which case there may not be a separate preamble before the course content.
Where they occur, topics are subsets or sub-components of lessons. There could be quizzes for various topics, and/or lessons. And/or a final quiz for the overall course. These main course content components are hyperlinks or clickable links. They could further be separated into different sections, with section headings which are not hyperlinks or clickable links, but just labels.
To access a particular lesson or topic (or quiz, where applicable) you usually have to click it. When you do it should open to a page where the actual material or presentation (be it a lesson, a topic, or quiz) can then be seen, along with associated navigation buttons to help you navigate through the entire course.
Please take particular note of the enrollment panel which comes immediately after the Course Content or Course Outline. You may use that to enrol. More about that further below; you may scroll further down.
Though not illustrated in the above screenshot, a brief profile of the author, trainer or instructor is usually further below the page; usually after the social buttons and a repeat of the course title for relational appreciation.
A typical lesson page looks like illustrated below; it has lesson title, display picture, author info, progress bar, lesson preamble, lesson content, navigation buttons, etc…
For emphasis, do note that topics for a lesson (and quizzes, where applicable) are usually listed under Lesson Content as hyperlinks or clickable links; possibly after a preamble for the Lesson. Possibly, because a Lesson may or may not have a preamble.
Again, to access a topic (or quiz, where applicable) you usually need to click it. And it should open to a page where the actual material or presentation (be it a topic, or quiz) can then be seen, along with associated buttons to help you navigate through the entire lesson (and course).
Of special interest is the “Mark Complete” button. Whenever you are sufficiently done with or have completed a sub-topic or a lesson that does not have sub-topics, you need to tell the system so, for the purpose of tracking your progress. You therefore have to click the “Mark Complete” button.
Note also that you are required to enroll into a course before you can take take the full course. More about enrollment further below.
It is important to note that in certain situations, especially when you have not logged in, or when you have logged in but have not enrolled into that particular course or workshop, the links may not work as expected but rather show a notice that says: “You don’t currently have access to this content” (white on a blue background). In that case you have to log in first, which requires that you must have registered already or otherwise you have to register and enroll; you may click here for more about Registration.
Sometimes you may see a ‘SAMPLE LESSON’ label by a lesson, similar to as shown below…
Any lesson labelled this way can be viewed even when you have not enrolled or even logged in; when you click on any such lesson it will open so that you can preview it.
Now, on the issue of enrollment, if you logged in, and a progress bar similar to the one below was on the course page, usually above the course preamble, then you are already enrolled…
If so please close this window, and then click the applicable lesson, topic, or quiz under the ‘Course Content’ on the course page to proceed with the course.
If you have logged in and still seeing the notice that says: “You don’t currently have access to this content” then you need to enroll into that course in order to gain full access; see below…
If there was no progress bar on the course page, then you should find the Enrollment Panel with a ‘NOT ENROLLED’ indicator similar to the one above; usually located below the Course Content or Course Outline on the main course page, and not the popup course outline. As earlier illustrated further above. Please take particular note.
In that case you have to click the ‘Login To Enroll‘ button (for free courses) or the ‘Take this Course‘ button (for paid courses) or similar text beneath the ‘Get Started’ inscription; on the course page. Most free courses still require that you should first login with your username and password. If you don’t have a password for this community website, please register; General (Entry) level registration is FREE! And takes just 2 minutes, in 2 steps. You may click the “Register” button below:
After clicking the said applicable button or text as indicated above, the ‘NOT ENROLLED’ indicator should disappear, and the progress bar should appear on the course page. That indicates that you are now enrolled. You can then click the applicable lesson, topic, or quiz under the ‘Course Content’ on the course page to proceed with the course.
Just provide your details below and click the ‘Send’ button further below. We will contact you and assist you.
So in the diagram, how many squares did you make out in total; how many squares are there?
Well, most people get or give 16 as their answer. Some get 17 and a few get 21; and that’s at least better than the ‘16’ answer majority of people give. Just about 1 percent of people surveyed get the best answer; which is…
Well, get a full illustration of all the more than 21 possible ‘hidden’ squares…
If you mainly want to be part of the Personal Development and Wealth Creation Masterclass training sessions then click the button above. Not sure what this is about? Click here. Else proceed below…
You are about to become a registered user of this platform and a member of the Seers Community, and thus get access to privileged information, great opportunities, tools, accessories, reminders on upcoming events, and many more goodies. Congratulations in advance!
One: Sometimes you need someone to show you the obvious, and oftentimes… the not so obvious! Credit to ZigZiglar
Two: Education and schooling are not the same thing. What goes on inside the schools is often not education. And the results may well be that it reduces productive capacity rather than to increase it. Credit to Prof Sir William Arthur Lewis
Three: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Credit to Prophet Hosea
Four: The illiterates of the future are not those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn! Credit to Alvin Toffler
Five: The greatest obstacle to progress is not ignorance, but the illusion of knowledge. Credit to Daniel Boorstin
Six: When you know the right things, the boundaries around your life suddenly disappear. Credit to Brian Sher