The importance of Learning ‘How to Learn’ - Seers App
The importance of Learning ‘How to Learn and Get the Most out of Write-Ups and Other Presentations’ is well captured in the admonition of Peter F Drucker (the world’s foremost management guru) that... "We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change, and the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn." Firstly, there is one fundamental secret about all great doers / achievers of the calibre we need to raise; it is that, in the area or things in which they excel and make a difference, they educate themselves by their own effort; especially since the special knowledge, attitude, and skills one requires to make that kind of difference are usually not taught in the mainstream; they make the effort to learn on their own using very simple techniques that anyone can also use and consequently excel just as they did, and even more!